Wednesday, February 17, 2016


2016-02-17                                                           INRI

It was not My Will but the Father's Will that I always sought to accomplish, do likewise and find that your life will start to engage as it was meant to be.

You may have tried previously to do the same thing, doing all for God no less, and it didn't work.

So why is it working now you may be asking Me, did you consult Me or simply presume that I would appreciate this being done for Me, wait for discernment before doing anything.

Yet it all comes down to the Will of God being done, in His perfect timing and perfection, you need only allow yourself to be lead without anxiety or worry.

Forgetting yourself will take a lifetime, this is holiness in action, accepting suffering in its many forms for the love of God, brings peace to your entire being, you know My love is nearer to those who suffer.

Prayer should not always be your wants presented to Me in triplicate, but listening in quiet anticipation of hearing what I want to tell you, I will not disappoint you given the opportunity.

Do not fear to die, I will do everything in My power to save you for Heaven, will you trust Me with your very life?

This earth was never meant to be your paradise, yet many are working as if it were, tirelessly they toil forgetting that there is even a God, sometimes even forgetting their own families in the pursuit of more and more material possessions.

Suffering and sickness are signs of predilection, yes all will suffer, you are one of the elect.

As you praise Me, allow My Spirit to lead you into selfless worship that glorifies Me, you overlook the fact that even in this area a selfishness can infiltrate your heart not fully surrendered.

When you hunger to do God's Will more than your own, the wheels of God's blessings engage and miracles and healings fill the atmosphere ready for the conversion of souls.

You were all called to be Saints in Heaven, that is what you are all striving for here and now, daily the soul is seeking to unite with God for whom you were all created.

Search the Scriptures for they will reveal to you Who I am, they are the blueprint of the life you are to live, find My selfless love poured out for love of you.

Thus My Passion began in the garden of Gethsemane, let this cup pass from Me, yet let it be not My Will but thine be done.

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